
A newer research interest of mine pertains to how the political economy meets the political ecology of the fracking industry. Given that extraction of fossil fuels is conducted in the name of improving national security and sovereignty, who wins and loses on the ground?

My research sheds some insight – and the TLDR version is this: not most Americans, despite the rhetoric.

Bratman, E., Auch T., and Stinchfield, B. (2022) The Fracking Frontier in the United States: A Case Study of Foreign Investment, Civil Liberties and Land Ethics in the Shale Industry. Development and Change.  e 0(0): 1–26. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12707

Stinchfield, B., Auch, T., & Bratman, E.(2020). “Energy Security, International Investment, and Democracy: The Case of the United States Shale Oil and Gas Industry.Democracy & Security, 16:4, 309-333.